Wednesday 16 December 2009

That Ol' Devil Called 'God' - May 23rd, 2009.

Regardless of what I write here, I'm going to get flamed within an inch of my life.Not updated in a while and I'm not going to update properly for a while longer because... Just because.I'm writing this because I came across a couple of quotes that made me smile.Also, 'I love you til the end' just came on and made my heart go all gooey, so this'll probably take me longer than expected because this song really deserves all the attention in the world. Its gorgeous.Yesterday, I was walking through the city centre (I live in Glasgow now, remember?) and a man gave me a magazine - more of a leaflet - called The Anarchist Critic. At first I chuckled to myself at the notion that I look in any way, shape or form like an anarchist, then I began to read it and it talks a lot of sense. Not quite read it all yet but I'm enjoying it so far.First off, I'm not an anarchist. To be honest, if someone said to define anarchist, I'm not sure I could define it to any extent past "someone who rebels". I don't rebel. I live a simple life for the most part and my mind is wide open, giving me nothing to rebel against. I don't pay attention to what is 'conforming' or not - I dress in what I think looks nice and flatters my figure (or at least, I try to). As far as religion goes, I'd have to say I'm very agnostic. I don't know if there's a God, if there is I don't know what religion he/she/it would preach. I have read many things about religion in both positive and negative lights and I must be highly impressionable because, for the most part, I agree with it all.I believe it is ridiculous to consider that there is a man sitting on a cloud sending angels to do dirty work and damning the homos for getting their kicks. I certainly believe in fate and destiny - I think we have our paths set out for us, its just full of twists and forks and it is our choice which route we take. This quote, though, has made the most sense for me."I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church."Why don't we use our intelligence to dictate our lives? Fuck blind faith - if there was a God, he'd have worked hard to make you better than that. Believe what you believe, and worship it in your mind. Don't preach, don't condemn. I am saying that I don't know if there's a God. If there is, I don't think I believe in the Christian God but perhaps I'm judging him by his followers. Maybe God's sat in his cloud wincing at Christians and saying "way to make me look bad"...I'm rambling now, anyway. I've totally lost my thread.Point is, your mind is like a petri dish. You can fill it with imformation, watch it grow, fill it with new information, watch it grow and keep going until your petri dish is filled with beauty in the form of various colours, shapes and sizes, and you can nurture all of the contents so that they never die and they stay vivid and beautiful.Or you can pack your dish to the brim with this one opinion. You can leave no room for anything else. You can watch it flourish, followed by watching it grow mould and eventually die (and probably go to heaven - though this isn't just at Christians, though it may seem that way. Its about blind faith in general).That metaphor may not have quite worked as well as I'd hoped but my general point is; keep your mind open, soak up knowledge and nurture your intelligence. Explore every view, every opinion, make up some of your own. And if, at the end of your quest for knowledge, you believe what you always have, then kudos to you. You have a strong mind and strong faith.This advert also made me laugh.THE BIBLE - PARENTAL ADVISORY.Contains scenes of violence, sex, the occult, immoralit, genocide.NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.Honestly, I wish I had a God at the moment. As said, I believe in fate and I believe in destiny and it does comfort me to know that everytime I feel something bad, I know its for a reason. It helps me out a lot. But I wish I could put all my trust into a 'spiritual leader' and dedicate my entire life to that.Let the flames begin, as the wonderful Paramore would say.

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